Monday, 31 March 2014


What a trip so far!! 
My farewell to family and Hugh I found quite difficult was hard to holdback the tears I'm missing them so much already!!
My flights were fine. To all EgyptAir snobs I'll have you know the food was great (cheesecake for pudding - instant happy Katie!!). My flight was made much more pleasureable by meeting two girls on their way to meet family in Zimbabwe. Thank you Melissa and Trish for letting me tag along!! And yes my luggage arrived yeyyyyy!!

On my journey to Imire I have to say it is true there are no roads just potholes!! We were also stopped by police on the way - dodgy looking person I am! 

Here at Imire it is just as beautiful as the photos. The sun is out , it's warm and the people are so kind and wonderful! Michael and Katherine look after things here. Michael in particular looks after us "vols" (volunteers). Jenny is also a volunteer here from Sweden and she is here for 6 weeks. 
Well today I've been fishing, travelling on the back of a truck to feed rhinos and elephants, played volleyball with the local secondary school (yes you guessed it I didn't do Britain proad, sorry guys!) and I went for a trek around the park with Judy (Judy's husbands father was the founder of Imire) on two grey Arabs. Bit of a busy first day which was finished off with Hippo creeping round the reeds while everyone was trying to have a shower (showers are outdoor and hippos kill more humans than any other animal!!)!!
Anyhow I'll try and keep blogging, wifi and electricity can be very unpredictable here!! Lots of love to everyone xxxxx

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

An Introduction

I would describe myself as an unadventurous, unconfident and to be honest a bit of home bird. Yet, here I am 4 days away from travelling to Zimbabwe! A few weeks ago I was thinking to myself  - "What on earth are you doing? Travelling on your own to Africa having never done anything like this in your life?" Many have said I'm very brave to be doing this which to be perfectly honest doesn't give me the greatest amount of confidence!!

But here's where I'm going. Looks beautiful right? It's Imire: Rhino and Wildlife Conservation. Where yes you guessed it, I will be looking after Rhinos, Elephants and other wildlife, along with some horse-trekking and cattle ranching too. And although I'm a little nervous about the initial travelling process, I just can't wait to get there! I'm away in Imire, Zimbabwe for a month so not too long but plenty of time for me to do something totally different and challenging (for me anyway!).

I'm off on Sunday so I'm going to try and keep everyone at home posted on what's happening :) 
Keep visiting the page to catch up. Now lets all cross our fingers and toes and hope everything runs smoothly and that I have a super duper time!!!